December 2024

DIY Project: Lighted Bar Frig

Playscale Emporium image of bar frigWhen I decided to make a bar diorama, I purchased Gloria Happy Hour playsets to customize. This included a lighted bar frig under the back drinks storage rack. The original base was printed cardboard. To make it more useful, I inserted the bottom part of the separate wine cellar. This left a space that would hold a 4 x 2 inch area.

I started searching for something that would fit but wasn't as tall as the wine cellar so I could add a light feature. The finished product is at the right. Below are the steps to its creation.

December 2024

December Thought of the Month

"You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream."

~ C.S. Lewis

At this time of year, we're usually focused on holiday tasks: shopping for presents, decorating, travel plans, etc. But it should also be a time of begin preparing for a new year. Without a plan, we are at the mercy of Life's currents.