DIY Project: Lighted Bar Frig

Playscale Emporium image of bar frigWhen I decided to make a bar diorama, I purchased Gloria Happy Hour playsets to customize. This included a lighted bar frig under the back drinks storage rack. The original base was printed cardboard. To make it more useful, I inserted the bottom part of the separate wine cellar. This left a space that would hold a 4 x 2 inch area.

I started searching for something that would fit but wasn't as tall as the wine cellar so I could add a light feature. The finished product is at the right. Below are the steps to its creation.

Step 1: Start with a clear plastic or acrylic box the size you need. I found the one I used on Amazon (see my choice). It’s 4 x 4 x 2 inches and lidless. You might also check the bathroom supplies aisle at your local department store.
screenshot of Amazon acrylic box

Step 2: I cut the doors and shelf from the thick plastic of a doll box.

Step 3: To mimic the metal trim and make door handles, I used chrome tape. Aluminum foil and doublesided tape or glue can be an alternative.
Playscale Emporium image of bar frig

Step 4: Next I trimmed two cotton swabs to size and attached them to the inside walls of the acrylic box to support the shelf.
Playscale Emporium image of bar frig

Step 5: I painted toothpicks cut to size with silver chrome model paint and glued them to the piece of plastic cut for the self. For extra security, I also used a strip of clear packing tape to keep them in place.
Playscale Emporium image of bar frig

Step 6: The shelf goes in plastic side up on top of the cotton swab supports. It gives the illusion of a wire shelf with no worries of items slipping through the gaps.
Playscale Emporium image of bar frig

Step 7: Last, I added the light. Michael’s has single bulb battery-operated lights that work perfectly (see listing). I taped the bulb to the top of box so the light shines down into the frig.
Playscale Emporium image of bar frig

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