January 2024

January Thought of the Month

"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

~ Stephen Grellet

It's the start of a new year and the world is full of harsh realities. Wars on practically every continent, refugees fleeing violence and worse, people starving, natural and man-made disasters, the list is unending. The problems are so huge, it's enough to make anyone feel helpless and hopeless. But we have more power to make a positive impact than we think, especially in our own backyards.

A few days ago, I watched a follow-up on a story from last winter. An elderly man got lost in a severe blizzard. A woman and her boyfriend heard his cries for help and opened their home to him. They called 9-1-1 but the storm made it impossible for emergency services to reach them.

She reached out for help on Facebook, afraid the man was dying, and good Samaritans made their way to her home and got them to the hospital. Although he lost fingers to frostbite, the elderly man survived thanks to the kindness and extra efforts of strangers.

No one involved in his rescue woke up that morning thinking that they'd be instrumental in a life and death situation. But everyone of them had empathy and compassion for a fellow human being and the courage to act. That's all it takes to be a hero.

Most of us will never face such extreme situations in our lives, but not every need requires dramatic solutions. We can all do our part to help those in need. Google "help (whatever calls to your heart) near me" and visit the links that come up. I was pleasantly surprised at all the resources for the homeless in my town that came up in my search. Many rely on the generosity of others to keep providing their services.

In this new year, consider being part of the solution where you can. Don't let our inability to influence things on a worldwide scale stop us. Our donations of time, money, food, clothing, and more locally can make an enormous impact. Resolve to make a difference.

[Thought and image design by Elaine C. Oldham]

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