February 2025

February Thought for the Month

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."

~ Japanese proverb

From the day each of us realizes we have a say in our future, we set out to accomplish good, great, even magnificent things in our lives. But not enough of us live up to those goals. Some never get passed the dream stage. Others take up the dream and run with it but with no clear plan to accomplish it. With no vision of how to achieve it, a dream is practically guaranteed to fail.

Everything humanity has accomplished began with a vision and an action plan. Mount Rushmore was just a chunk of rock until sculptor Gutzon Borglum looked at it and saw four presidents. It would still be just a mountain if he hadn't had the right skills, the ability to share that vision with the people who could help him, and developed the plans to make it happen (read more). Imagine if he had just gone up there with his vision and a hammer and chisel.

Envisioning something is the easy part, everyone can dream. The work begins with determining what it will take to bring that vision into reality. It continues with lining up the skills, materials, knowledge, connections, funding, and — most importantly, patience — required. Once a plan is in place, it's time to act. Anything worth doing is also worth any effort required to accomplish it.

So when you choose the vision you want to pursue, make sure you have a plan to succeed. Do the research, get the education necessary, be persistent and meticulous. And always remember, the paths we take to our futures are in our own hands.

[Thought and image design by Elaine C. Oldham]

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