DIY Project: Candle and Stand

Have you heard of the product Airborne? It’s basically a tablet you drop in water and drink once it has dissolved as an extra boost to your immune system when traveling. I’ve used it or a generic version for years. On a recent trip, I used up a tube and was about to toss it when I gave the lid a second look and saw ... a candle!

The plastic coil that cushioned the tablets makes a decorative cage and can be painted (see photo 3 below). The core looks like a white column candle. All that's missing is the flame.

Airborne Cap Candle Image 1 Airborne Cap Candle Image 2 Airborne Cap Candle Image 3

My first do-it-yourself diorama download has detailed instructions and four flame inserts for converting Airborne caps into candles. Purchase it here.

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