April 2024

April Thought of the Month

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."

~ Proverbs 17:22

Have you ever wondered why the world seems so much worse off even if statistics say otherwise? The next time you watch a broadcast news show, compare the number of "bad" news and "good" news stories. The bad always outweighs the good. That old saw that if it bleeds it leads has become the standard. Since our news services fill our days with negatives, it's up to us to offset that with positives.

We have to deliberately inject joy in all its forms into our lives. When our awareness is daily bombarded by negative information, it affects the way we perceive the world around us, the way we feel, even our health. The same holds for things that make us happy. The positives of laughter have been clinically proven (read more).

So keep watching funny pets and baby videos. Check out funny movies and sitcoms. Have fun with family and friends. Take every opportunity to smile or laugh. We need to know what's going on in the world, but we don't have to let it keep us in a permanently down mood.

[Thought and image design by Elaine C. Oldham]

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