
August 2020

August Thought of the Month

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."

~ Helen Keller

The world is in for very difficult times, so seek and hold on to all the joy and happiness you can until we pass through the tunnel to the light at the end.

[Thought and image design by Elaine C. Oldham]

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July 2020

July Thought of the Month

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work."

~ Colin Powell

[Image design by Elaine C. Oldham]

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June 2020

June Thought of the Month

"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."

~ Peter Marshall


[Image design by Elaine C. Oldham]

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May 2020

May Thought of the Month

"Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams."

~ Donovan Bailey

[Image design by Elaine C. Oldham]

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Unexpected Lesson of Spring

One of the first signs of spring in my neighborhood is when you hear motorcycles revving up and speeding down the street. But it’s not really spring until the flowers return. Like crocuses, the cyclists sometime beat the season to the punch. I love watching the flowers in my yard return every season and the wonderful scent of my neighbor’s lilacs when the wind is just right.

This year spring gave me unexpected inspiration.

Soapbox Moment

Yesterday was an election day, did you vote? I went to my polling place Monday on my lunch break because I had a doctor's appointment the next morning – I love early voting!

It's an odd-numbered year, so most issues and offices will be local. These elections don't get the kind of TV News attention that a Presidential election gets. In fact, my first clue was when yard signs started popping up like mushrooms in my neighborhood.

Who Will Miss 2018? Not Me!

And not just because of the madness that is our government right now. While a lot of good things happened, one major bad thing messed with me. Last summer I was all set for an actual non-working weekend vacation at an anime convention and planning for a couple of new shows in the fall. Then I came home to find the floor of my front porch sagging.

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